Seminar conference was held in Ganja as part of joint project of Central Election Commission with the Ministry of Internal Affairs

25 july 2024 18:50

A seminar-conference was held in Ganja as part of a joint project of the Central Election Commission and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) in regard with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis, appointed to September 1, 2024.

Mr. Gabil Orujov, Member of the Central Election Commission, Mr. Mehman Ibrahimov, Deputy Chief of the Ganja City Police Office General, representatives of the Central Election Commission and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs), representatives of police offices and departments took part at the seminar conference held in the 2nd police department of Ganja.

At the event it was informed about the roles and duties of police officers determined by legislation in the preparation and conduct of the Elections to the Milli Majlis, during the pre-election campaign period, as well as on the voting day and the subsequent processes.

Mr. Ilgar Alizadeh, Head of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission spoke about election stakeholders, their rights and duties, as well as the inadmissibility of illegal interference in the activities of electoral subjects at the event.

Later, Mr. Sanan Aliyev, Chief of the Public Security Office General at the Ministry of Internal Affairs informed about the rights and duties of the police officers regarding the maintenance of public order during the election campaign and on the day of the elections, security measures during the transfer of ballot papers and other election documents to the Constituency Election Commissions and Central Election Commission in the post-election period.

In the end, the questions were responded.