Issues Related to the Resolution of Election Disputes Discussed at the Regional Seminar-Consultation held by the CEC in Shaki

23 july 2024 19:45

At the regional seminar-conference held in the city of Shaki within the framework of the joint project of the Central Election Commission (CEC) with the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal, issues related to the judicial resolution of election disputes were thoroughly discussed in connection with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to September 1, 2024.

The seminar-conference held at the "ASAN service" center in Shaki, was attended by members of the CEC, judges of the courts of appeals of the region, and chairpersons of 17 Constituency Election Commissions functioning in the north-western region of the republic and surrounding cities and districts.

The seminar-conference began with opening speeches by Mr. Gabil Orujov, CEC member and Mr. Nuru Guliyev, Chairman of the Shaki Court of Appeal. It was stated that along with Shaki, similar seminar-conferences organized in several other regions of the country aim to enhance the knowledge, skills, and awareness of Constituency Election Commissions regarding the resolution of election disputes, as well as more effectively ensuring the voting rights of citizens.

It was noted that the existing stability in Azerbaijan and the election legislation based on democratic principles provide full confidence that the Elections to the Milli Majlis, like previous elections, will be free, fair, and transparent, ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens.

Later, Mr. Rafig Abbasov, HHHhHead of the Law Department of the CEC Secretariat, delivered a presentation on "Principles and Features of Investigating Complaints and Appeals Related to Violations of Voting Rights in Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan."

At the seminar-conference a presentation by Mr. Rovshan Rafiyev, Chairman of the Administrative Collegium of the Shaki Court of Appeal, on "The Application of Legislation by Courts Regarding the Protection of Voting Rights in Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Judicial Process on Cases Related to the Protection of Voting Rights" was heard.

After the presentations, participants' questions on the discussed issues were responded.