Regional seminar was held for members of Expert Groups with the organization of the Central Election Commission in Masalli

17 july 2024 17:30

In regard with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to September 1, 2024, the next regional seminar on election dispute resolution was held in the Masalli region with the organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC).

The event was attended by members of Expert Groups from 19 Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs).

Mr. Ramiz Ibrahimov, CEC Member made an extensive report on “Legal requirements for the investigation of appeals and complaints related to violations of electoral rights and principles for investigating complaints.’’ It was stated that the main purpose of holding regional seminars is to increase the awareness of members of the Con.EC Expert Groups regarding election procedures and strengthen their practical skills.

Later, CEC member Mrs. Naila Asgarova informed about the basics of the activities of Experts Groups, practical exercises on cases, solving tests and other issues.

Participants were also given detailed information upon using visual aids.

During the practical part of the event, various examples of complaints on cases were reviewed and issues of making appropriate decisions on those complaints by the election commissions were considered.

At the end new guidebooks compiled as subsidiary method were distributed to the Expert Group members.