Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 14, 2005.

14 september 2005 16:52

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 14, 2005.

Firstly, applies entered CEC were considered. One of the applies was sent to the Chief Prosecutor`s Office in Baku city for the investigation and 11 remaining were sent to the relevant Con.ECs for informing.
Later, Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary reported on the issue on making specifications within the boundaries of some constituencies. The Commission adopted decision on making amendments within the boundaries of Azizbayov second Con.EC # 14, Narimanov first Con.EC # 19, Khatai third Con.EC # 35, Nizami first (Ganja) Con.EC # 37, Nizami second (Ganja) Con.EC # 38 and Kapaz Con.EC # 40.
At the session, current issues were also considered.

At the CEC session, representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems), OSCE and mass media also participated.