A practical seminar dedicated to the roles and duties of mass media in the Presidential Elections was held

12 january 2024 16:00

A range of educational activities covering various election stakeholders regarding the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024 is continued to be carried out.

A practical seminar on “Roles and duties of mass media in the Presidential elections” was held with the joint organization of the Central Election Commission and Media Development Agency (MEDIA).

The event organized for the purpose of further raising awareness of mass media representatives and the efficieny of their activity in the Presidential elections was attended by representatives of 20 mass media outlets, along with the officials of CEC and MEDIA.

Mr. Natig Mammadli, Head of the Department of Media Development Agency underlined the importance of publicizing information about the election process correctly and efficiently. Having emphasized on such an accountable commitment of mass media outlets, N. Mammadli stated that the seminar concerning the share of views with media representatives and organization of professional media activity would be helpful for journalists.

Later, in his speech Mr. Ilkin Shahbazov, CEC Member spoke about the theoretical aspects, background  and spheres of realization of the election right defined as one the basic human rights and freedoms in the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He stated that the Election Code determined roles and duties in relation to election stakeholders with different status in the process of preparation and conduct of elections and guarantee of citizens’ election rights.  Media outlets shall also abide by the requirements of the election legislation either in ensuring transparency of the election process, or fulfilling their service activity in the period of pre-election campaign and on the voting day.  The Press Group functioning under the Central Election Commission (CEC), consisting of mainly, journalists shall implement control on observing of the rules for pre-election campaign in the media, as determined in the Election Code.

Later at the seminar, Mr. Shahin Asadli, Head of the Media and Communication Department made a presentation about broadcasting of elections in the media, procedural deadlines stipulated in the legislation related to pre-election campaign, which is considered one of the most important stage and subjects that have the right to carry out pre-election campaign, as well as, the voting day procedures. It was reported that  registered candidates, their authorized representatives and agents, as well as, the authorized representatives and agents of the political parties with registered candidates in the Presidential elections shall have the right to determine independently their form and methods which is not prohibited by law and carry the pre-election campaign freely and independently. Mr. Sh. Asadli also provided detailed information on the voting day procedures at the practical workshop part of the seminar. He made the participants familiar with  the legal basis for implementing and regulating the procedures as the opening of PEC, voting actions, exceptional circumstances on E-Day and similar processes.

At the end of the seminar, the questions of journalists were replied to and the issues interesting to them were clarified.