Seminar-conference held regarding further improvement of service activity of the police in the elections

12 january 2024 12:00

Within the frame of the co-project of the Central Election Commission (CEC) with the Ministry of Interior Affairs, the next seminar-conference dedicated to further improvement of service activity of the police in the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024 was held in Ganja.

The seminar-conference was attended by representatives of the Central Election Commission and Ministry of Interior Affairs (MIA), chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) and employees of police offices and departments.

During the event, Mr. Ilham Mammadov, CEC Member spoke in his speech on the topics of the election legislation, election commissions’ system, election process, phases and periods of the process, basics of election commissions and police offices.

Later, representatives of MIA General Public Office - Mr. Ogtay Taghiyev and Mr. Sanan Aliyev made speech on the rights and duties of the police in ensuring public tranquility during the pre-election campaign and on the day of conducting elections, therewith in the transfer of ballot papers and other election documents in post-election period.

Meanwhile, in the seminar-conference, Mr. Mehman Ibrahimov, Deputy Chief of Ganja city General Police Office and Mr. Tofig Hasanov, CEC Member informed about the election stakeholders and their duties and rights, also prevention of illegal intervention in the activity of electoral actors.