The seminar-conference regarding the election-related dispute resolution on the violation of the election right was held in Nakhchivan

10 january 2024 14:21

The seminar-conference regarding the election-related dispute resolution on the violation of the election right was held in Nakhchivan on January 10, 2024.

During the seminar-conference, Mr. Ramiz Ibrahimov, CEC Member, Mr. Ali Allahverdiyev Judge of Court of Appeal of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Mr. Rafig Abbasov Head of Law Department of the CEC Secretariat, Mr. Sakhavat Baylarli, Judge of Supreme Court made introductory speeches on the appeals of the citizens claiming the violation of the election right, giving appeals to election commissions and the rules of their investigation, application of the legislation by courts regarding the protection of the election right and execution of the activities on legal remedy of the election right.

It was noted that the main aim of implementing this project is to organize the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024 at a high level and in a free, fair and transparent way, as well as, to improve the knowledge, professional skills and information of election constituencies related to election dispute resolution, increasing the efficiency of the activities in this field and ensuring suffrage of citizens more effectively.


At the end of the event, discussions on the issues of court jurisdiction of the election-related dispute resolution on the violation of the election right were held and the questions interesting to the participants were replied to.

Chairmen, secretaries and 30 members of Expert Group from each of 6 Constituency Election Commissions participated in the seminar.