Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 7, 2005.

07 september 2005 16:42

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 7, 2005.

Mr. Azer Taghiyev, CEC Commissioner reported on the draft of Instruction "on the rules for providing with airtime in channels of TV and radio companies related to the conduct of pre-election campaign and for the publication of pre-election campaign materials in periodicals in Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan”. CEC approved the draft of the Instruction.

Later, Mr. Natig Mammadov and Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretaries reported on the applies entered CEC. CEC adopted relevant decisions on these applies.

CEC made amendments in the composition of some Con.ECs.
At the session, decision was adopted on the approval of the sample of notification related to Elections to the Milli Majlis.

At the session of the Commission, current issues were also discussed.
Representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems) and mass media also participated at the CEC session.