Issues on election dispute resolution discussed in regional seminar-conference held in Sheki by the Central Election Commission

10 january 2024 14:20

During the seminar-conference held in Sheki on January 10, 2024 within the co-project of the Central Election Commission with the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal regarding the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024, the issues on election dispute resolution were thoroughly discussed.


The seminar-conference held in “Asan service” center in Sheki city was attended by  CEC members, judges of regional courts of appeal, as well as, chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions.


The seminar-conference started with speeches by Mr. Tofig Hasanov, CEC Member and Mr. Nuri Guliyev, Chair of Sheki Court of Appeal. It was informed that the seminar-conferences arranged in several regions of the country along with the one held in Sheki targeted to improve the level of knowledge, skills and awareness of Con.ECs regarding the resolution of election disputes, as well as, guarantee of citizens’ voting rights more effectively.

It was stated that our territorial integrity and sovereignty had been restored. It created new realities both in the country and in the region. For the first time, elections in the history of modern Azerbaijan will be conducted in the whole territory of the country. The stability and existence of the election legislation based on democratic principles in Azerbaijan allows to assure that elections would be held in positive atmosphere.

Later, Mr. Ilkin Shahbazov, CEC Member made presentation on “the rules for filing and investigation of appeals and complaints against the violation of citizens’ election rights by election commissions in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

During the seminar-conference, presentation by Mr. Vezirkhan Malikov, Judge of Sheki Court of Appeal was heard on “Practice of application of the legislation by courts in regard with legal remedy of election rights and execution on the works related the legal remedy of election rights in courts in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.


Following the presentations, participants’ questions regarding the discussed issues were also responded to.

The seminar-conference was also attended by OSCE long-term observers.