Seminar-conference on election dispute resolution arranged in Shirvan

10 january 2024 14:18

According to the CEC educational program, next events - regional seminar-conferences dedicated to the court jurisdiction of election-related dispute resolution started within the frame of the co-project with the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal since January 8, 2024.

The seminar held in Shirvan city on January 10, 2024 was attended by judges of CEC, Shirvan Court of Appeal, as well as, relevant regional courts, chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions and long-term observers of OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.


The seminar-conference started with speeches by Mr. Fuad Javadov, CEC Member and Mr. Veli Abdullayev, Chair of Shirvan Court of Appeal. Later, in accordance with the agenda, Mr. Gabil Orujov, CEC Member and Mr. Samir Hasanov, Judge of Shirvan Court of Appeal made presentations on the rules for filing and investigation of appeals and complaints against the violation of citizens’ election rights by election commissions in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, practice of application of the legislation by courts in regard with legal remedy of election rights and execution on the works related the legal remedy of election rights in courts.


It was informed that the main purpose of the implementation of the foregoing project is to organize the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024 at top-level, along with all works implemented in the direction of conducting elections freely, fairly and transparently, to improve the level of knowledge, skills and awareness of Con.ECs regarding the resolution of election disputes and increasing the effectiveness of steps taken in this field, as well as guarantee of citizens’ voting rights more effectively.

At the end of the seminar-conference, discussions were held regarding the election dispute resolution and participants’ questions were also responded to.