Seminar-conference on election dispute resolution held in Ganja

10 january 2024 14:16

Regarding the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024, regional seminar-conferences dedicated to the court jurisdiction of election-related dispute resolution started within the frame of the co-project with the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal.

In this regard, seminar-conference was held in Ganja on January 10, 2024.


Mr. Bakhsheyish Asgarov, CEC Member informed that the project started from January 8, 2024 is scheduled to be held in four cities of the country – Ganja, Nakhchivan, Sheki and Shirvan. The main goal of the seminar-conferences is ensuring the awareness-raising regarding the court jurisdiction of election dispute resolution.

Later, Mr. Javid Zeynalov, official of Law Department of the CEC Secretariat made report on “The rules for filing and investigation of appeals and complaints against the violation of citizens’ election rights by election commissions in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, Mr. Rafig Jafarov, Chair of Criminal Collegium – on “Practice of application of the legislation by courts in regard with legal remedy of election rights in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, Mr. Rashad Mamedov, Chair of Administrative Collegium – on “Execution on the works related the legal remedy of election rights in courts”.

At the end of the seminar-conference, participants’ questions were also responded to.