Central Election Commission started trainings for lower election commissions regarding the Presidential elections

10 january 2024 09:36

The Central Election Commission (CEC) is carrying out projects on different fields to raise awareness of different election stakeholders within educational program regarding the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024.

CEC started large-scale events – trainings for lower election commission members from January 10, 2024.

It should be informed that the foundation of the training project which was set in 2002 within the cooperation with different international organizations and broadened in format and text by every year after 2008. The trainings have been conducted in all elections of the country, so far, thereby contributing to the further improvement of professional skills of members of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions (Con.ECs and PECs).

CEC has compiled a training project in two stages regarding the upcoming elections. The first stage of “Training of Trainers” started from 10 January, 2024 is scheduled to be held for 5 days. The stage is organized in the form of practical workshops by the Commission’s Training Group through using different visual aids and methodical materials. The "Training of Trainers” involves in total 250 local trainers, 2 persons from each of the 125 election constituencies. They obtain detailed and thorough information on preparations in PECs for the voting, the voting process, exceptional cases in the election process, vote counting, completion of official protocols on the voting results and all E-day procedures.

During the foregoing trainings E-day procedures, voting actions and exceptional cases to be encountered are displayed in roles to local trainers, therewith, in the practical workshops different topics are broadly discussed and the emerged questions are responded to.

The second stage of the training project scheduled for members of Precinct Election Commissions will start from January 17, 2024 and last for nearly, three-ten days according to the number of PECs of the election constituencies.

This stage of the trainings are planned to be conducted in small groups with the participation of nearly 40 commission members in practical form in accordance with the schedule prepared by the CEC Training Group for the members of PECs to increase further the efficiency and quality of the trainings.


During the trainings of trainings, each of the participants will be provided with "Election Day Guide” compiled by CEC to participate in the trainings and be familiar with, as well as, a protocol sample on the voting results and some other document samples.


The training project which plays an essential role in the top-level preparation and conduct of free, fair and transparent Presidential elections embodies nearly, 38000 lower election commission members.


Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat