Seminar dedicated to investigation of appeals on election right was held in Nakhchivan

29 december 2023 20:00

Ms. Arifa Mukhtarova, CEC Secretary and Ms. Vusala Muradkhanli, Director of the Department for Training on Human Rights and Expertise of the Institute of Human Rights and Law made speech at the event arranged by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC).

The issues on
increasing awareness and improving professional skills of the members of the Expert Groups functioning under the Constituency Election Commissions for the investigation of appeals and complaints against actions (lack of actions) and free election right in the European Convention of Human Rights were spoke about in the speeches.

Later, the speeches related to the legal requirements and principles of investigating complaints against the violation of the election right and review of the election-related appeals by Con.ECs, made by Mr. Ilkin Shahbazov, CEC member and Mr. Hamlet Babayev, Training Expert of the Department for Training on Human Rights and Expertise were heard at the seminar.

The Expert Group members of the Con.ECs participating in the seminar were provided new "Guidebook” compiled by CEC, which contains the timeframe, subsequence, rules of investigating appeals and complaints and estimation of the evidences, as well as, thorough information on the preparation procedures of opinions and decision draft.

Let’s note that the seminar was attended by chairmen and secretaries and 36 members of Expert Groups of 6 Con.ECs on the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.