Within the organization by the Central Election Commission, a regional seminar was held for members of Expert Groups in Masalli

29 december 2023 16:37
Early Presidential elections in our country will be conducted on February 7 in next year. In order to arrange the elections in a free, fair and transparent way, the Central Election Commission (CEC) is carrying out activities not only in Baku, but also in the regions.

Within the framework of the joint-project of the Central Election Commission with the Institute of Law and Human Rights, the following regional seminar "On the investigation of appeals related to the election right" was organized in Masalli.

Specialists on law and human rights, as well as members of Expert Groups of 19 Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) participated in the event.

Mr. Tofig Hasanov, CEC Member made a thorough report on the topic of "Requirements of the legislation on investigation of appeals and complaints related to violation of electoral rights and principles of investigation of complaints" at the seminar.

Mr. Vafaddin Ibayev, Member of the Expert Council of the Institute of Law and Human Rights made a presentation on "Free election right in the European Convention on Human Rights (Part I)".

Therewith, the participants were provided detailed information upon using visual aids.

Other speakers provided information about "Examination of election-related appeals by Con.ECs and the basics of the activities of Expert Groups", "Free election right in the European Convention on Human Rights (Part II)", the basics of the activities of Expert Groups related to elections, practical exercises on cases, discussions about solving mock tests and other issues in the seminar.

After the practical part of the event has ended, the CEC representatives held exercises on cases related to election legislation and expert activity and Con.EC members were involved in the solution of mock tests.

A new helpful guidebook prepared for the members of the Expert group was delivered.