Central Election Commission conducted a session on July 26, 2022

26 july 2022 18:39

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on July 26, 2022. Firstly, the session minute of the Commission, dated 27 May 2022 was approved.

Later, the issue on re-formation of the Commission on the de-limitation of election constituencies was considered. It was recalled that after permanent voters’ lists of 2022 had been finalized the voters’ number was defined to be more than the number implied in the Election Code in many polling stations. Therefore, the Commission charged the relevant Constituency Election Commissions with urgent establishment of additional polling stations within the territories of the precincts the voters’ number of which exceeded the number defined by the legislation. It was mentioned that followingintensive and large-scale activity carried out basing on the CEC decision as in compliance with the requirements of the Election Code, 832 new polling stations were established for 103 election constituencies, thus the number of total polling stations reached 6274 in the country.

It was informed at the session that the scheme of forming election constituencies, their graphic images, also suggestions on the boundaries of the constituencies shall be prepared by the Commission of specialists established by CEC as in compliance with the Election Code. The work of the foregoing Commission on de-limitation of election constituencies is headed by CEC Deputy Chairman and due to the post, he shall be regarded as Chair of the Commission. The formation of CEC in new structure necessitated the approval of the new structure of the Commission the main target of which was to ensure the establishment of election constituencies in comply with the legislation. Basing on the above-mentioned and Election Code, the Commission on de-limitation of election constituencies was re-approved in the structure comprising the relevant Commission members and representatives of the appropriate state bodies, headed by the CEC Deputy Chairman.

During the Commission session the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions were also made changes and current issues were considered.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat