Central Election Commission conducted a session on March 17, 2022

17 march 2022 18:48

The Central Election Commission conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on March 17, 2022.

Firstly, the session minute of the Commission, dated 3 September, 2021 was approved. Later, the issue on the termination of the deputy authorities of Shahin Kamil Seyidzadeh, deputy of the VI call Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan was considered. It was informed that due to the appointment of Shahin Seyidzadeh, deputy of the Milli Majlis as a chairman of Icherisheher State Historical-Architectural Reserve, his deputy authorities shall be terminated as in comply with the Constitution and Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Considering the above-mentioned, the Central Election Commission adopted a decision on the termination of the deputy authorities of Shahin Seyidzadeh as implied in the legislation.

Furthermore, the issue on the approval of the document samples considered by the Law "on the exercise of the right to legislative initiative by citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and making amendments to the "Rules for installation and application of webcams in polling stations”, approved by the Central Election Commission was considered. Basing on the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On legal normative acts” and the requirements of the Election Code, the foregoing document samples were approved following the discussion of the Commission members and the relevant legal normative act was adjusted to the amendments made recently to the legislation.

Meanwhile, the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions were made amendments at the session.

Current issues were also considered at the session broadcasted by the mass media.

Media and Public Relations Department

CEC Secretariat