Central Election Commission conducted a session on February 07, 2020

07 february 2020 23:49

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted the following session chaired by Mr. MazahirPanahov on February7, 2020. Firstly,the session minutes of the Commission, dated January 29 and 30, 2020 were approved.

Later, theissue on the registration of authorized representatives by theAzerbaijanHope Party in the Elections to the MilliMajlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 9, 2020 was considered and the persons presented by the foregoing party were registered as authorized representatives.

During the session CEC reviewed the appeals filed in connection with the Elections to the MilliMajlis. After discussing the appeals with the participation of the interested stakeholders of the election process, a decision of the relevant Con.EC on the registration of a candidate was annulled, anda badge provided to the candidate was considered invalid.

Current issues were also considered at the session attended by representatives of international election observation missions, foreign organizations and mass media.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat