Central Election Commission conducted a session on January 29, 2020

29 january 2020 21:14

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted the following session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on January 29, 2020. Firstly, the session minute of the Commission, dated January 19, 2020 was approved.

Later,appeals addressed to the CEC with the intention to conduct an exit-poll by the "Rey” ("Opinion”) Monitoring Centre” Ltd. and "Human Rights XXI century – Azerbaijan” Foundation (jointly with "Opinion Way” Sociological Research Institute of the Republic of France) in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 9, 2020 were considered. The Commission carried out an investigation in accordance with the legislation of the time after the meeting to discuss the application of the organization of the upcoming parliamentary elections and decided to accredit the foregoing organizations to hold "exit-poll".

Afterwards, the authorized representatives presented by the Azerbaijan Hope Party in the forthcoming elections were registered.

An appeal on the violation of campaign rules in the Elections to the Milli Majlis was also considered at the Commission session and a substantiated decision was adopted in comply with the legal requirements upon a broad discussion.

During the session attended by international observers and representatives of the media current issues were discussed.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat