Central Election Commission conducted a session on December 20, 2019

20 december 2019 20:22

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on December 20, 2019. Firstly, the session minute of the Commission dated 17 December 2019 was approved.

Later, regarding the upcoming Municipal elections of 23 December, it was decided to install webcams in 1000 (thousand) on 118 election constituencies to monitor the E-day processes in polling stations from beginning till the end incessantly and continuously by considering the principle of full coverage of the territory of the country excluding the occupied areas.

During the session the issue on the establishment of new polling stations on some election constituencies in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 9, 2020 was considered. By the Commission decision, the relevant Constituency Election Commissions were commissioned with the establishment of additional polling stations and formation of new Precinct Election Commissions within short timeframe in the following election constituencies – Jabrayil-Gubadli Con.EC # 120, Kalbajar Con.EC # 123, Shusha – Aghdam – Khojali – Khojavend Con.EC # 124 and Zangilan – Gubadli Con.EC # 125 in compliance with the legal requirements upon considering the necessity of maximum convenient, also local and otherconditions for voters.

The issue on the registration of the authorized representatives of the Azerbaijan Progress Party, Musavat Party, Azerbaijan Social Welfare Party, Azerbaijan National Independence Party and Union Party in the Elections to the Milli Majlis, appointed to February 9, 2020 was considered and the persons presented by the foregoing political parties were registered as authorized representatives at the Commission session.

During the session attended by the representatives of mass media, the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions were made changes and current issues were also considered.

Media and Public Relations Department

CEC Secretariat