Central Election Commission conducted session on December 11, 2019

11 december 2019 18:16

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted the following session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on December 11, 2019. Firstly, the session minutes of the Commission, dated 16 November and 7 December, 2019 were approved.

Later, the issue on the registration of the authorized representatives of the New Azerbaijan Party, the Azerbaijan Hope Party and the Civil Solidarity Party in the Early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to February 9, 2020 was considered. The persons presented by the foregoing parties were reregistered as authorized representatives.

During the session the issue on the determination of the election results on the municipalities, the territories of which have been divided into several election constituencies in the Municipal Elections appointed to December 23, 2019 was discussed and by the Commission decision, the Constituency Election Commissions to compile the voting protocols of those municipalities were defined.

The structures of some Con.ECs were also made changes and current issues were considered at the session attended by the mass media representatives.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat