"Guide for Police" issued regarding Municipal Elections

22 november 2019 19:23

Central Election Commission (CEC) compiled "Guide for Police” within the frame of awareness-raising of different election stakeholders regarding the Municipal Elections, appointed to December 23, 2019. The basic goal of implementing the project and compiling the booklet is to improve further the activity of the police in the Municipal Elections.

The booklet compiled jointly with the Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan is planned for the usage of the police officials. The edition contains detailed information on the activities to be implemented by the police, as well as their duties and roles during pre-election campaign, voting day and while fulfilling their duties in the processes of the transfer and protection of official election documents.

The Guide is compiled basing on the Constitution, Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Law "On Police” and legal documents approved by CEC.

Media and Public
Relations Department
CEC Secretariat