Central Election Commission heldnext seminar-conference on election dispute resolution in Shirvan

15 november 2019 18:04

The next regional seminar-conference was held with the initiative and organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC) in Shirvan on November 15, 2019.

The event on court jurisdiction of the complaints on the violation of the election right targeted
the awareness-raising of Constituency Election Commissions in this field and improving their business skills.

The seminar-conference started with the introductory speeches of ArifeMukhtarova, CEC Secretary, KhaganiMammadov, Judge of the Supreme Court and RashadetAghayev, Chair of Shirvan Court of Appeal. The speeches underlined the special importance of the project in further ensuring citizens’ election rights.

During the seminar the representatives of CEC, Supreme Court and Shirvan Court of Appeal presented on "The rules for filing appeals and complaints on the violation of citizens’ election rights and their investigation”, "Application of the legislation by courts regarding the protection of the election right” and "Court execution of the activities on legal remedy of election right” and other speeches on election dispute resolution were.

The seminar-conference attended by the representatives of the relevant courts and chairperson of 27 Con.ECs in the region was continued with the discussions of different issues on the election dispute resolution.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned seminar-conference is the fourth event of the large-scale project implemented within the CEC educational program and the project will be ended with the seminar-conference scheduled to be held in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on November 18, 2019.