Central Election Commission organized a seminar-conference regarding the Municipal Elections in Shaki

14 november 2019 19:02

The following seminar-conference regarding the court jurisdiction of the complaints on the violation of the election right was held in Shaki on November 13, 2019 within the frame of educational program of the Central Election Commission (CEC) regarding the Municipal Elections appointed to December 23, 2019.

The seminar-conference held in "ASAN service” centre in Shaki on November 14, 2019 and dedicated to the court jurisdiction of the complaints on the violation of the election right was attended by the CEC representatives, representatives of relevant juridical bodies, as well as chairpersons of Shaki and 17 Con.ECs of surrounding regions.

Like other centres of "ASAN service” functioning successfully for citizen’s well-being upon the principles of effectiveness, politeness and responsibility, which is famous also out of the boundaries of the country, the inclusive atmosphere at Shaki "ASAN service” centre contributed to the effective organize of the event.

During the seminar-conference MikayilRahimov, CEC Secretary, KamaladdinBadalov, Judge of the Supreme Courtand MubarizAkbarov, Chair of Shaki Court of Appeal made introductory speeches.

Later, the representatives of CEC, Supreme Court and Shaki Court of Appeal presented on "The rules for filing appeals and complaints on the violation of citizens’ election rights and their investigation”, "Application of the legislation by courts regarding the protection of the election right” and "Court execution of the activities on legal remedy of election right” and other speeches on election dispute resolution were heard at the seminar-conference.

During the discussions of the issues covered after the presentations the questions of the participants were replied to and the seminar ended.

Let’s remind that the next seminar-conferences dedicated to election dispute resolution are scheduled to be held in Shirvan on November 15 and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on November 18, 2019.