Activities and Authorities

The status, activity directions and competence of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan are determined by the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the permanent state body.

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan carries out Presidential Elections, Elections to the Milli Majlis and conducts referenda (nation-wide opinion poll) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and implements preparation and conduct of Municipal Elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

• Supervises observance of citizens` suffrage in the preparation and conduct of elections and referenda;

• Prepares and approves technical specifications for equipment used by election commissions of lower instances and supervises compliance therewith;
• Provides legal, methodical, technical and organizational assistance to election commissions;

• Determines rules for the compile of election ballot papers in referenda, voter lists, voting protocols of other election commissions, referenda documents and their samples;

• Implements other duties and functions implied by Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

•Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, together with relevant executive and local self-governing bodies, establishes system for compiling and conduct of single voter lists;

• Ensures the preparation and conduct of elections and referenda, development of the election system, conduct of trainings relating to legal education of voters and professional training commissioners;

• Determines voting results during elections and referenda, ensures the publication of these results.

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan may adopt instructions, comments, rules or methodical regulations concerning implementation of Election Code.

Decisions and normative acts of the Central Election Commission, adopted within its competence are obligatory for state bodies, municipal authorities, candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocs of political parties, incumbents and voters.