Central Election Commission jointly with the Ministry of Health holds seminar-conference

23 march 2018 15:04

Regarding the top-level preparation and conduct of free, fair and transparent Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to April 11, 2018, as well as, the effective implementation of citizens’ election rights, different projects are still being carried out.

Another project within the education program concerning the Presidential Elections - a seminar-conference was held by the Central Election Commission jointly with the Ministry of Health on March 23, 2018.
The event that took place at the CEC administrative premises targeted the organization of the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the places temporarily settled by the voters with health problems.

During the seminar-conference opened with the introductory speeches of Natig Mammadov, CEC Deputy Chairman and Elsevar Aghayev, Deputy Minister of Health, the CEC members, officials of the Ministry of Health and representative of the CEC Secretariat made lectures and presentations on the defining of the scope of temporarily settled persons with health problems as a voter and establishment of election precincts, the arrangement of the voting in those precincts, determination and publicizing the voting results, locating the voters with health problems in treatment facilities, transferring them from a facility to another, their leaving, the rules for registration and compiling lists, as well as the duties of Precinct Election Commissions on the voting day and the voting procedures.

CEC members, representatives of the Ministry of Health, colleagues of the relevant structural units of the CEC Secretariat, chairmen of relevant Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions, also media representatives took part at the event.

The seminar-conference broadcasted by mass media broadly, was carried out with the discussions of different issues on the subject, thereby responding to the participants’ questions.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat