Chairman of the Central Election Commission met with the Head of OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission

09 march 2018 19:24

On March 9, Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman, met with Corien Jonker, Head of Election Observation Mission of the OSCE office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

Having greeted the head and members of Election Observation Mission, Chairman Mazahir Panahov expressed his gratefulness of the meeting at CEC and
highly appraised the initiative of meeting.

Corien Jonker, Head of OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission thanked to CEC Chairman for warm welcome, informed about observation mission and noted that they will observe pre-election and voting day processes. Later, Observation Mission members inquired about the preparations for the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to April 11, 2018.

Mr. Mazahir Panahov spoke about the activities to be carried out with the aim of holding fair and transparent elections and the large-scale education program of CEC. He also stated that the Commission's activities and implemented numerous projects for the free and independent provision of citizens' rights to elect and be elected, and informed the observation mission members that all steps were being taken in full transparency.

CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov underlined that the organization led by him had always been open to the partnership with international organizations, also noted that
currently, CEC verified signature sheets and other election documents presented by a professional working group. The public review process is regularly monitored by political parties, authorized representatives of presidential candidates, and the mass media representatives. M.Panahov, along with different international organizations, also invited Election Observation Mission members to check signature lists at any time and to participate more closely in any other election-related process. CEC chairman also said that the verification is ongoing, and at the moment like any other interested person they can directly monitor the progress of the process.

During the meeting they also shared views on the issues of mutual interest.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat