Opening ceremony of Independent Media Center under Central Election Commission

07 march 2018 11:38

Independent Media Center "Election-2018” of the Central Election Commission (CEC) was launched for the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to April 1, 2018.

The opening ceremony of the Independent Media Center was held at Hilton Baku Hotel on March 5, 2018. Chairman of Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov, CEC members and representatives of its Secretariat attended the event, which was widely covered by the media. CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov familiarized himself with the conditions created at the Independent Media Center and gave his recommendations for providing local and international media with free and easy access to information and providing better services to other participants of the election process.

Equipped with state of the art technologies, the Independent Media Center aims to ensure extensive, rapid and objective coverage of the election and assist local and international media in obtaining information on the election in order to ensure transparency.

Computers, telephone and fax machines are set up at the Center for media representatives who can also use free and incessant internet. The Independent Media Center, which will operate on a round the clock basis during the Presidential elections, is open for making statements and holding press conferences. The registered presidential candidates may place their pre-election campaign materials on the Center's website.

The Center’s website is already functioning in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages. The website contains opinions, statements and explanations provided by the authorized persons and experts in election field, as well as, election-related photos and videos.

Contacts of Independent Media Center "Election - 2018”:

Phone: (+99412) 565-50-31

Address: "ONYX" hall of "Hilton” hotel


Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat