Central Election Commission held a session on February 17, 2018

17 february 2018 18:37
The Central Election Commission (CEC) held a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on February 17, 2018. Firstly, the session minutes of the Commission dated February 8 and 14, 2018 were approved.

Later, the issues on the nomination of candidacies in the Presidential Elections appointed to 11, 2018 were considered. After the Commission members have discussed the issue, the candidacies of Gudrat Muzaffar Hasanguliyev, nominated by the Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, Asif Rasim Mammadov, nominated on own initiative, Faraj Ibrahim Guliyev, nominated by the National Revival Movement Party, Razi Gulamali Nurullayev, nominated by the voters’ initiative group, Elshan Shirzad Hasanov, nominated on own initiative, Araz Mammad Mubariz Alizadeh, nominated by the Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party and Hafiz Alamdar Hajiyev, nominated by the Modern Musavat Party were approved.

Authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues presented by the political parties, the nominees of which have been approved, also by the persons whose candidacies nominated on own initiatives have been approved were registered at the session.

During the session the structures of some Con.ECs were made changes.

Current issues were also considered at the session attended by mass media representatives.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat