Chairman of the Central Election Commission met with the delegation of Council of Europe

17 march 2017 09:26

On March 16, Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman met with Mr.Alexander Gessel, Director of the Political Affairs Directorate of Council of Europe.

After greeting the visitors, Mr. Mazahir Panahov expressed his gratitude for this meeting and talked about the long-term relationship between the Commission and respective international organizations, as well as, the Council of Europe. He also emphasized on the significance of relationship between the organization led by him and leading international organizations, as well as, the Council of Europe and carrying on this relationship in various election-related fields plays an essential role in improving the election practice.

Mr.Alexander Gessel, Director of the Political Affairs Directorate of Council of Europe expressed his thankfulness for warm welcome by CEC and emphasized on sustainable development in the elections heldin recent years in Azerbaijanand interested about the activities and projects to be carried out for election(referendum)system of Azerbaijan,furtherimprovement ofelection practice andsubmission ofannual financial reportsof political parties.

Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman responded to the questions of the official ofthe Council of Europe and informed on projects implementedfor thefurther development ofelectoral law and best practices achieved in the elections heldin the countryin recent years, also noted that there is a democratic environment in the country for conduction of free, fair and transparent elections, also ensuringthe constitutional rightsof citizensmore effectively. Chairman also noted that, the CEC has preparedan extensiveaction plan in connection withthe annualfinancial reportsof political parties and itis carried outwith the participation ofinternational organizations.

During the meeting perspectives of interagency cooperation in various fields and views were exchanged also on the issues of mutual interest.

Media and Public relations department
CEC Secretariat