Central Election Commission conducted seminar-conference for chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions

18 august 2016 22:48

Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a seminar-conference for chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions on August 18, 2016.

The seminar-conference was organized regarding the implementation of the section on election commissions of "
National Activity Program for the increase of efficiency of protecting human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated December 27, 2011.

Alongside with the CEC members, administration of the CEC Secretariat and personnel, as well as chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions, Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman, Zeynal Naghdaliyev, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chief of Department on Work with regional management bodies and local self-management bodies, Ziyafat Asgarov, First Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis, Azer Jafarov, Deputy Minister of Justice, Rustem Usubov, First Deputy of General Prosecutor, Oruj Zalov, Deputy of Minister of Interior Affairs, Hikmet Mirzeyev, Chair of Administrative-Economical Board of Supreme Court and Jeyhun Garajayev, judge of the Constitutional Court took part at the seminar.

CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov made speech at the seminar-conference by noting that CEC held educational activities regularly for lower election commissions and today’s meeting was a very important event from that point of view. The activities implemented in accordance with relevant orders of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan had a specific role in awareness-raising of Con.EC and PEC members and improving of their professional skills. As a result of a successful reform implemented in the country, public and political tranquillity has been established, which enables the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections in the country. The election practice has been improved year by year and a progressive legal framework based on international experience has been formed in Azerbaijan.

Chairman Panahov, inter alia, emphasized on the firm stand and
definite political will of the head of state to conduct free, fair and transparent elections, also his support and consideration to increase the working conditions and material and technical supply of the election commissions. He reiterated his gratitude on behalf of CEC to President Mr.Ilham Aliyev for broad opportunities provided to the election commissions to organize and hold elections in the best way. 

Later, CEC Chairman informed on the nationwide voting (referendum) to make changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to be held on September 26, 2016. Underlining the progress in all spheres in Azerbaijan, M.Panahov stated: "Buildings were constructed and necessary opportunities were provided for Constituency Election Commissions. All these indicate the general development in the country.

Afterwards, M.Panahov made the participants aware of the works implemented regarding the conduct of referendum and provided them with relevant recommendations.

Zeynal Naghdaliyev, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chief of Department on Work with regional management bodies and local self-management bodies made report on "Duties of local executive authorities and their bilateral activity with election commissions in the processes of preparation and conduct of referendum”.

The official of the Presidential Administration stated that these educational activities which already turned out a tradition played an important role in building the work of election commissions properly and training of professional personnel. "The level of conducting elections has been improved remarkably compared to the period of 10-15 years ago. No one can refute on the elections, nationwide voting and its organization and voter turnout in Azerbaijan. This is, in general, the result of responsibly coping with the duty responsibly by CEC, every person and incumbent engaged in the organization of elections, as well as improving the election culture in the country. Surely, the upcoming referendum will also be conducted on high level,” – Head of department emphasized.

Z.Naghdaliyev said: ”An election legislation regularly being improved and embracing the world experience has been formed in Azerbaijan. We should try for every provision enshrined in the election law to be firmly complied with and any offensive case not to be allowed.

It was informed that having exercised his constitutional rights, President Mr.Ilham Aliyev presented his suggestions to make changes to the Constitution, the suggestions have already been published and the voters started to get familiarized with them. Every voter shall be ensured to be provided with this information.

Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration noted: "The most important principle to conduct elections successfully is tranquillity in Azerbaijan, President Mr.Ilham Aliyev possesses high reputation and there is a ruling enthusiasm among voters. It entails positive atmosphere in elections. The head of state ordered to conduct elections under strict compliance with every legal provision. One of the most important principles to conduct elections is improving the working conditions of election commissions. A monitoring was held jointly with CEC recently and the activity started to be implemented to eliminate all the considerable shortcomings”.

It was informed that voters’ lists shall be explicitly updated, local executive authorities shall function collectively with Con.ECs in this field. 128 indoor and outdoor venues have been allocated for campaign process to start since September 3, 2016 and the list will be published in mass media. The places where to locate billboards to conduct campaign have also been determined.

Z.Naghdaliyev underlined the importance of installing webcams in the conduct of elections under democratic principles.

He also noted that while 500 cameras were installed in polling stations in 2008, today this figure reached 1000, which constitutes 20% of the polling stations.

Z.Naghdaliyev spoke about the difference of referendum with other elections and emphasized that the issues put in vote are targeted on the reinforcement of constitutional guarantee of citizens’ rights and freedoms in Azerbaijan. It is a common knowledge to all that these suggestions have been put for prompt governance in Azerbaijan, aiming at increasing citizen participation in the governance and effective guarantee of citizens’ rights and freedoms.

Ziyafat Asgarov, First Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis made speech on "The constitutional basis and legislative mechanisms of implementing the right to participate in referendum”. Having given an example of the world experience, Z.Asgarov stated: ”The changes to the Constitution are generally, rooted from several necessities. The changes are made to improve the state management bodies, to reinforce the economic development and to protect human rights and freedoms more efficiently. Azerbaijan possesses a practice to hold referendum. All of the referendums were held in the country under the compliance with the requirements concerning either the constitutional right, or constitutional administrative right. We are building a legal state. However, building a legal state passes through certain stages. Great Leader Heydar Aliyev said that democracy has a beginning, but no ending. One of the goals of conducting referendum is to reach the highest level of a legal state. To this end, these changes are essential. The development goes on speedy in Azerbaijan in recent years and the dynamics of public relations necessitates the implementation of these changes. Every referendum act is the indicator and political, economical guide of the society development”.

Later, speeches of Azer Jafarov, Deputy Minister of Justice on "The roles and activity fields of judicial structures in the referendum process”, of Rustem Usubov, First Deputy of General Prosecutor on "The role of prosecutor’s offices in the protection of the right to participate in referendum”, of Oruj Zalov, Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs on "The roles and activity fields of structures under the Ministry of Interior Affairs” in the referendum process, Hikmet Mirzeyev, Chair of Administrative-Economical Board of Supreme Court on "The legal remedy of the right to participate in referendum and their jurisdiction practice”, Jeyhun Garajayev, Judge of the Constitutional Court on "The requirements for amendments and changes made to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan” were heard at the event. It was cited that the public order will be firmly protected during the voting, illegal mass actions will be prevented during referendum and citizens’ election rights will be fully guaranteed.

The seminar-conference was accompanied by the speeches of Rovzat Gasimov, Head of CEC Secretariat, Farid Orujov, Head of Information Centre of the Secretariat and Elshan Asgarov, Head of General department took floor on the subjects "Basic duties of lower election commissions in referendum”, "New functional availability and usage rules of the State Automated Information System” and "The organization of clerical works at Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions”.