Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted a session on August 4, 2016

05 august 2016 11:59

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on August 4, 2016. Firstly, the session minutes of the Commission dated July 26 and July 27, 2016 were approved.

Later, the issue on the re-formation of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) on the republic was considered as in compliance with the Election Code and detailed information was provided regarding the candidates presented for the new membership of Con.ECs. A new membership of 124 Con.ECs was approved upon the discussion held by the Commission members. It is worth noting that one of the Con.ECs – Aghdash Con.EC # 90 was formed during repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis of current year.

The rule for the preparation of final voting results protocols of election (referendum) commissions in nationwide voting (referendum) appointed to September 26, 2016 to make changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved at the session.

The text, format, number of and preparation rules of ballot papers in referendum appointed to September 26, 2016 were also approved upon the discussion by the Commission members and it was decided to print 5280924 (five million two hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and twenty four) ballot papers. CEC also decided to prepare notifications at the equal amount to inform voters on the time and place of the voting regarding the nationwide voting.

It is also worth noting that the preparation of de-registration cards is planned to ensure the rights of the voters unable to vote in the polling stations on the voting day who have been included in the voters’ list. The voters shall get this document from the Con.ECs 45-25 days and from the PECs 24-3 days prior to the voting day and they are entitled to vote in the polling station within the are settled by them on the voting day based on that card.

Current issues were also considered at the session attended by the representatives of mass media.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat