Educational activities start regarding the repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis on Aghdash Con.EC # 90

06 may 2016 12:02

The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan carries on the preparation works and educational activities with respect to the repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis on Aghdash Con.EC # 90, appointed to June 18, 2016.

According to the Calendar Plan for the basic activities and measures on the preparation and conduct of the elections, the Central Election Commission is going to hold a seminar on "Protection of the election rights” on May 7, 2016 in cooperation with the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Ombudsman). The members of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions is also planned to participate at the event to be conducted at the administrative premises of Aghdash Con.EC # 90. During the seminar the representatives of the Central Election Commission and Ombudsman will make speeches, presentations and discussions and clarify the issues interesting to the participants on different subjects including the election dispute resolution at the level of election commissions regarding the violation of the election right that is the component of basic human rights and freedoms.

It is worth noting that the event dedicated to the protection of the election right is organized within the frame of the educational program by the Central Election Commission.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat