Central Election Commission finalized the Elections to the Milli Majlis

18 november 2015 21:56

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on November 18, 2015.

Firstly, the appeal received by CEC regarding the Elections to the Milli Majlis was reviewed and a decision was adopted on the appeal upon the discussion held by the Commission members and the voting results on the polling station # 9 of Jalilabad-Masalli-Bilasuvar Con.EC # 69 was invalidated.

Later, the issue on the compilation of the CEC protocol on general results of the Elections to the fifth call Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, examination of the election results and submission of the CEC protocol to the Constitutional Court for approval was considered at the session.

It was mentioned that the Elections to the Milli Majlis, being conducted under free, fair and transparent atmosphere has turned an event of great importance in the history of the country. CEC and relevant state institutes have focused on the execution of the duties and competencies implied by the Election Code to prepare and hold election effectively. Important stages of the election process - the update of voters’ lists, improvement of normative legal framework, awareness-raising of all electoral stakeholders, including voters, nomination and registration of candidates to deputy, facilitating equal pre-election campaign, providing observers and media representatives with free access and all other activities were undertaken in accordance with "Calendar Plan for the basic activities and measures on the preparation and conduct of the Elections to the fifth call Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, compiled and approved by CEC.

The Elections to the Milli Majlis were held on 125 election constituencies and 5547 polling stations. 767 persons representing 22 political parties, political party blocs and voters’ initiative groups, also self-nominees were registered as candidates to deputy and all the candidates were provided with equal terms and opportunities for pre-election campaign. In general, 256 venues, 128 of which were indoor and 128 were outdoor areas were given to the candidates’ disposal and they were able to use those areas free of charge to hold their meetings with voters independently upon informing the Constituency Election Commissions. More than 10000 billboards were installed in all the polling stations for candidates’ pre-election campaign. The price list for payable airtime offered by 45 media outlets for candidates to hold pre-election campaign was presented to CEC, the information was posted on the commission website for candidates to familiarize with and the equality principle for all candidates was all the time overseen.

The election-related appeals were put in the session and discussed by the Commission members with the participation of plaintiffs and other interested subjects and relevant decisions were made concerning the appeals upon inclusive and fair investigation. Following the Election Day, generally, appeals on 44 cases were received from nearly 1/4 of the election constituencies within the republic, i.e. 34 Con.ECs, all the appeals were investigated in comply with legislation and necessary measures were undertaken, inter alia, the voting results on some polling stations were invalidated.

The foregoing Elections to the Milli Majlis were monitored by 503 international observers representing 40 international organizations and 57 countries. Therewith, 42 international media representatives from 27 prominent international media outlets observed the elections upon accreditation by CEC and provided with a relevant badge. Alongside with all these, 4 organizations conducted "exit-poll” in the elections, 2 of which co-organized their activity with leading international organizations and the results of "exit-poll” almost coincided with the CEC official results.

Representatives of local mass media that function within the republic participated in the elections from the beginning to the end of the election competition freely and independently without being required any additional registration and document.

Nearly 66000 local observers representing a number of political parties, political party blocs, civil society institutions, registered candidates, also who participated in elections on own initiatives conducted observation in the elections.

Generally, both local and international observers, also local and international media representatives were provided with free access to implement their activity freely and independently during the preparations, voting day and post Election Day.

Apart from all the steps taken for ensuring transparency in the Elections to the fifth call Milli Majlis, webcams were installed in 1000 polling stations (approximately in 20% of the polling stations where elections are held) that cover the whole territory of the republic, which in its turn allowed to follow the voting process lively via internet. Internet users were able to monitor all the procedures in the polling stations from the beginning to the end either through the CEC website without any registration both within the country and from abroad. Nearly 200000 views of webcams were recorded from different countries and areas on Election Day and 70% of the webcam observations were held within the country and 30% from abroad.

Vote counting was conducted incessantly after the polling stations had been closed on the voting day. Preliminary voting results on the election constituencies and information on leader candidates were publicized within 5 hours after the voting ended basing on the data received from 5047 of 5547 polling stations, approximately, 91% of the polling stations on the country for local and international community to familiarize themselves with the election results. On the next day, in the first half of the day the protocol data of all the polling stations on the country was posted on the CEC website without delay. Final voting results protocols and other election documents were delivered by PECs to Con.ECs and from there to CEC within the period defined by law.

During the Elections to the Milli Majlis voters visited the polling stations to express their will freely and independently and in general, 55,54% of the voters’ total number participated in the voting.

The works towards the determination of general results of the Elections to the Milli Majlis were finalized, CEC final protocol on general election results was compiled and approved upon signature by the Commission members at the session. Pursuant to the Election Code, a decision was adopted to submit the CEC Protocol on general results of the Elections to the Milli Majlis and relevant documents to the Constitutional Court for approval.

It is worth noting that as a result of the examination of the documents on the voting results submitted by Con.ECs regarding the Elections to the Milli Majlis, the voting results on the polling station # 12 of Garadagh-Binagadi-Yasamal Con.EC # 12, on the polling station # 8 of Yasamal first Con.EC # 15, on the polling station # 16 of Guba-Gusar Con.EC # 53, on the polling station # 12 of Aghjabadi Con.EC # 82, on the polling station # 32 of Aghjabadi-Fuzuli Con.EC # 83, on the polling station # 45 of Shamakhi Con.EC # 85, on the polling stations # 32 and 77 of Lachin Con.EC # 121 were invalidated by the Commission decision.

Representatives of local and foreign media took part at the session.

Media and public relations department
CEC Secretariat