STATEMENT by the Central Election Commission on the refusal of Musavat Party and NIDA Civil Movement from the participation in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 1, 2015

29 october 2015 23:01
by the Central Election Commission on the refusal
of Musavat Party and NIDA Civil Movement from the participation in the 
Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 1, 2015

Musavat Party made decision to stop its participation in the Elections to the Milli Majlis to be held on November 1, 2015 and to pass the withdrawal of the party’s registered candidates to the consideration of those candidates.

Let’s note that pursuant to Article 154.1 of the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a
political party according to its Charter, and a bloc of political parties according to a decision of the authorized representatives of its parties, shall be entitled to withdraw a candidate and registered candidate nominated in a single-mandate constituency upon written application at any time within at least 10 days prior to voting Day.

Pursuant to Article 99.4 of the Election Code, b
allot papers shall be published on the basis of the decision of the Central Election Commission, under observation of its representatives in printing houses, at least 10 days prior to voting day.

The adoption of the decision on that by Musavat Party within the period less than 10 days prior to the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbijan on November 1, 2015 violates the requirements of the Election Code, thereby being assessed as committing deliberate obstacles for the conduct of elections.

The step to discourage voters during the voting process appeared more vividly followed by this statement of NIDA Civil Movement, which is not an election actor, which does not participate in the election process, at all and which is not entitled for the registration of a candidate.

Regrettably, such negative steps that do not pass without affecting the election practice are continued to be put for by them.

Thus, Musavat Party also suggested to postpone the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic and appoint it to four months later.

Nonetheless, those who suggested such a proposal should know that pursuant to II part of Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, each call Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be held on the first Sunday of November every five years and generally, the election legislation does not imply the rule for postponing the elections to the claimed period and on those grounds.

All these actions prove that the conduct of the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan in comply with legal requirements do not meet the interests of Musavat Party and NIDA Civil Movement.

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan