Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted trainings for computer experts of Con.ECs on October 23, 2015

23 october 2015 17:39

The wide-ranging projects in connection with the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 1, 2015 are continued to be implemented.

Beginning from October 22, 2015, Central Election Commission started trainings for the computer experts of Constituency Election Commissions in order to prepare to the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The main aim in carrying out of the event covered by mass media is to give information to the computer experts of Constituency Election Commissions on "Elections” State Automatic Information System, its improvement and new opportunities in practice and orally teach and train usage rules as well as immediately clarify and explain questions interested by participants. In frame of trainings, on voting day, for submitting information to CEC, the prepared program modules are used in regime of tests in order to present opportunity for gaining practical work experience for computer experts of Constituency Election Commissions and usage of "Elections” State Automatic Information System more effectively.

Trainings are considered to continue 3 days and end on October 24, 2015.

Media and public relations department
CEC Secretariat