Election dispute resolution workshops start within the frame of the joint project of Central Election Commission with European Union

03 september 2015 12:40
In the light of the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to November 1, 2015, ongoing projects on diverse spheres are carried out through the cooperation with international organizations.

The next project was implemented through the joint project of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the European Union. Thus, a large-scale educational project on election dispute resolution started on September 3, 2015. Members of the Central Election Commission, officials of the European Union and representatives of the CEC Secretariat also participated at the event targeted raising awareness of the expert group members who function under the Constituency Election Commissions to investigate the complaints against the actions (inactions) and decisions violating citizens’ election rights.

The main goal in the conduct of the event is awareness-raising and improving practical skills of the expert group members of Constituency Election Commissions on handling appeals and complaints, thereby improving their activity to ensure citizens' election rights more effectively.

During the seminar, international experts and CEC members made presentations on different subjects concerning the examination of appeals and complaints on the violation of citizens’ suffrage, commented on the identified issues thoroughly by using visual aids and replied to the participants’ questions.

It is worth noting that as broad educational projects, regional workshops that have started from September 3, 2015 will last to September 11, 2015 in Shirvan, Ganja and Sheki and all expert group members of 125 Constituency Election Commissions will participate at the seminars.

Media and public relations department
CEC Secretariat