Central Election Commission conducted seminar for chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions

21 august 2015 18:21

On August 21, 2015 the Central Election Commission held an all-embracing seminar at the CEC administrative premises within the first phase of the broad project which covers the whole republic to raise awareness of lower election commission members as implied in "National Activity Program for the increase of efficiency of protecting human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated December 27, 2011.

AZERTAG informs that CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov, made speech by noting that Azerbaijan was on the eve of Elections to the Milli Majlis which was a very important event. He also stated that the activities implemented in accordance with relevant orders of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan have had a specific role in awareness-raising of lower election commission members and improving of their professional skills. As a result of a successful reform, public and political tranquillity has been established, which enables the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections in the country. The election practice has been improved year by year and a progressive legal framework based on international experience has been formed in Azerbaijan.

Chairman Panahov, inter alia, emphasized on the firm stand and
definite political will of the head of state to conduct free, fair and transparent elections, also his support and consideration to increase the working conditions and material and technical supply of the election commissions. He reiterated his gratitude to President Mr.Ilham Aliyev for broad opportunities provided to the election commissions to organize and hold elections in the best way. CEC Chairman made the participants aware of the works implemented and the projects to be carried out in the following stages regarding the elections and provided them with recommendations.

CEC Chairman said:”Local and international observers who want to observe the elections in Azerbaijan are usually facilitated to observe. Meanwhile, webcams are installed in nearly 1000 polling stations to ensure transparency of elections. The webcams enable to monitor the elections in those polling stations from any area of the world via internet. On the other hand, all the Constituency Election Commissions function in newly-constructed modern buildings. The polling stations were also provided with modern buildings”.

Zeynal NAGHDALIYEV, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chief of Department on Work with regional management bodies and local self-management bodies made report on "Duties of local executive authorities and their bilateral activity with election commissions in the processes of preparation and conduct of elections” upon the assignment of the head of state. The Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration said:” For several times we have participated in these seminars which have already become tradition. The latest elections showed how professionally Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions could build their activity. Undoubtedly, this is the indicator of your improved experience affirming your high professionalism. Indeed, these seminars and conferences are of great importance in acquiring the improvements”.

Z.Naghdaliyev spoke about the factors that entail the successful conduct of elections and stated that effective reforms implemented in all spheres of the country and historical decisions adopted under the leadership of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan allowed the country to move to a new stage by quality. Today Azerbaijan has got its respectable place in the world. World-wide activities have already been implemented efficiently. As a result of successful reform carried out by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, popular welfare has been improved. The citizenship do not want to lose these opportunities and improvements. The future of Azerbaijan is more promising and people vote with this aim. Our goal is to prevent law violations in the processes of preparation, conduct of elections and voting. The demand of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is to ensure transparency in elections. To this end, both election commissions and electorate are fully facilitated to express their will and to vote freely. Additional necessary activities will be undertaken in relation to elections.

The incumbent official of the Presidential Administration also stated that all the political parties shall be provided with equal opportunities upon the order of the head of state Mr.Ilham Aliyev. Indoor and outdoor venues have already been determined in each of 125 election constituencies, which will be announced in a closer time to the campaign period. Furthermore, monitoring was held in regard with campaign signboards and the destroyed boards will be restored. And it was prevented to locate campaign materials over historical monuments.

Having emphasized on large-scale works implemented in the field of updating the voters’ lists, Zeynal Naghdaliyev said:” Our voters’ list can be an example to many countries. Every citizen is enabled to exercise their election right. The works to update the voters’ list shall be implemented every day and the voters’ list shall be perfect. Local executive authorities carried out large-scale activities jointly with election commissions during the compilation of voters’ lists. These works continue today and cannot be stopped. Constituency Election Commissions will be rendered necessary assistance regarding this issue”.

The Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration spoke about the installation of webcams in polling stations and informed that the webcams served to the conduct of transparent elections. Previously we installed 500 webcams in polling stations as the first step. But currently 1000 webcams have been installed in polling stations. The deficiencies which we have observed regarding the webcams are necessary to eliminate in the following elections. Furthermore, more than 15000 registration numbers have been placed over the buildings and apartments to specify the addresses in elections.

Zeynal Naghdaliyev underlined that every kind of opportunity had been provided to Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions to conduct elections in line with high standards. Presidential, Parliamentary and Municipal elections held in the country indicate high professionalism of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions. The official of the Presidential Administration who noted on great experience of the chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions, inter alia, recommended them to not become careless:” Parliamentary elections shall be conducted in transparent and democratic atmosphere and this needs to be guaranteed. To this end, everybody should do their best to pass the next assessment with honor and dignity. There is no minor issue in elections. Even a little shortcoming in this field can affect the image of the country, therefore, all of us should feel responsibility in the elections. We should conduct the elections with high professionalism, which has been imposed as our duty by the Head of state. I wish success to each of you in this accomplishment”.

Ziyafat ASGAROV, First Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis made speech on "The constitutional basis and legislative mechanisms of implementing election right”.

The First Deputy Chairman of Parliament stated on the implementation of election rights to have been a characteristic feature of the Azerbaijan state. Azerbaijan is a democratic legal state and these principles are implied by the Constitution. Elections are of great importance to exercise these rights. It can be mentioned for sure that the elections held so far are compatible with all documents signed by Azerbaijan.

Ziyafat Asgarov informed that the comprehension of the election right, norms and principles by all election commission members, as well as, chairmen of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions is of vital importance. We should not become careless and shall study every day and fully comprehend the requirements of the Election Code to not spare room for rumour in elections. We shall do our best to make Azerbaijan an example also in next Parliamentary elections. The elections shall be conducted under democratic and transparent conditions.

Later, speeches of Azer Jafarov, Deputy Minister of Justice on "The roles and activity fields of judicial structures in the election process”, Oruj Zalov, Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs on "The roles and activity fields of structures under the Ministry of Interior Affairs”, Iman Naghiyev, Chair of Baku Appeal Court on "The appeals on the remedy of election right and their jurisdiction practice”, Nazim Abbasov, Chief of Investigative Office of Attorney General on "The role of prosecutor offices in the protection of election right” were heard at the event.

During the seminar, Rovzat Gasimov, Head of CEC Secretariat, Rufat Gulmammadov, Head of Information Centre of the Secretariat and Elshan Asgarov, Head of General department took floor on the subjects "Basic duties of Con.ECs and PECs after the voting ends”, "New functional availability and usage rules of the State Automated Information System” and "The organization of clerical works at Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions”.

The seminar attended by representatives of international organizations, foreign bodies and mass media was continued with practice exchange of Con.EC chairmen at the election constituencies of Baku.

It should be reminded that the second stage of broad project aiming at raising awareness of lower election commission members in various aspects of the Elections to the Milli Majlis will be held in the form of professional courses on election right for secretaries and members of all Con.ECs and PEC chairmen on the country from August 24 till August 26, 2015. During the stage CEC representatives, Con.EC chairmen, incumbents of local executive authorities, courts, prosecutor’s office and police of the regions will take floor before the lower election commission members and hold discussions on different election-related topics. The wide-scale project which covers in total, more than 6000 election officials will enable the lower election commission members to acquire detailed information on the election process.