Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted session

19 august 2015 19:24

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted the next session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on August 19, 2015.

Firstly, the Commission approved the sessions’ minutes dated May 15, 25 and 27, 2015. Later, it was decided to implement large-scale project in order to raise awareness of members of lower election commissions related with
"National Activity Program on improvement of the protection of human rights and freedom in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 27, 2011.

Due to the decision of the commission, project that targeted to increase the information of Con.EC’s and PEC’s members about elections will be implemented in 2 stages. Thus, during the first stage, the meeting will be held for Con.EC’chairmen beginning from August 21 in Baku. At the event speeches of the CEC officials, also a number of senior officials of the supreme state bodies about different topics related with preparation and conduct of the elections to the Milli Majlis are planned. Meanwhile, during the first stage of educational project, exchange of experience between the participants and Con.ECs of Baku will be held.

The second stage of large-scale awareness project covers all secretaries and members of Con.ECs, also PEC’s chairmen on the country. During the stage, on August 24-26 it is planned to hold professional courses on the election right in the regions. During the courses representatives of CEC, Con.EC’s chairmen, the local executive, court, procurator's office and senior officials of the police will read lectures and presentations, which will allow lower election commission members be thoroughly informed about elections and their work experiences be increased further.

The issue on conforming the voters’ number on the polling stations of some
constituencies with the norms of representation was also discussed at the session. The establishment of additional polling stations within the dislocations of some election constituencies was assigned with relevant Con.ECs by the decision of the Commission in comply with legal requirements upon considering the necessity of forming conveniences for voters, taking the local and other conditions into account.

During the session of the Commission the structure of some Con.ECs were amended, as well as, current issues were also reviewed.

Representatives of international and foreign organizations, as well as, mass media took part at the session.

Media and Public relations department
CEC Secretariat