Central Election Commission examined the centre for technical control on webcams

19 december 2014 17:50

Mr.Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission and Mr.Ali Abbasov, Minister of Communication and High Technologies examined the centre for technical control on webcams within the CEC administrative building and they were made familiar with the latest preparation works on webcams.

During the event CEC Chairman informed that normal activity, especially observation process had always been facilitated fully and widely for the preparation and conduct of elections in Azerbaijan. Improvements in the field of informational technologies are also benefited along with other means to ensure transparency in elections. The practice of using webcams which has been applied since 2008 elections in Azerbaijan and which allows monitoring the voting process lively through internet will also be carried on in the forthcoming Municipal Elections. Webcams have been installed in 1000 polling stations (nearly in 20%) that cover the whole country territory excluding the areas occupied by Armenia to follow the processes from beginning till the end on the voting day. The process has been focused on to ensure effective and incessant broadcasting through webcams. Internet users will be able to monitor the voting process, vote counting and determination of votes lively and incessantly upon the CEC website on Election Day either within the country or abroad.

Considering that 73-75% of Azerbaijan population are internet users, it could be stated that webcams used in elections would allow the Election Day processes to be monitored by broad publicity directly, thereby ensuring transparency and openness further.

It is worthy noting that technical preparations on webcams have been finalized and the list of the polling stations where webcams are installed has been published, also posted on the CEC official website.

Media and Public relations department
CEC Secretariat