All polling stations are ready for the Municipal Elections in Azerbaijan

08 december 2014 19:32

AzerTac informs that this view was emphasized at the final information session on "Authorities and duties of local executive authorities and Constituency Election Commissions in the election process” in Baku on December 8, 2014.

The session co-organized by the Administration of President and Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Office of the Council of Europe in Baku was attended by the heads of executive authorities and chairpersons of Con.ECs.

Having opened the session, Mr.Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman underlined a trend for the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Public and political stability restored as a result of current successful policy facilitates top-level conduct of democratic elections. Election practice has been improved and a regular legal framework has been formed basing on international experience in the country. Emphasizing on a firm position and political willpower, as well as, focus and concern of the head of state in the conduct of free and fair elections, CEC Chairman informed on the construction of new administrative buildings for the majority of Con.ECs and improving working conditions by undertaking necessary restoration works in others, thereby reinforcing their material and technical foundations. It was stated that conditions formed in polling stations in Azerbaijan could be example for European countries.

CEC Chairman informed that more than 37100 candidates had been registered so far to participate in the Municipal elections in Azerbaijan: "This number is 7 thousand more people compared to previous elections. If last time nearly 2 candidates were for each municipality membership, in these elections 2.5 candidates have been registered for each municipality. Considering that the number of municipalities has been reduced compared to previous elections, interest in the Municipal elections is ever-increasing. Almost 99 % of the applicants have been registered. Generally, the preparation stage has been held highly and all the polling stations are fully ready for the voting. The country will succeed also in these elections on December 23, 2014”.

Mr.Mazahir Panahov stated that an invitation letter had been sent to Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe to participate in the observation of the elections and the Commission had not received a response yet. CEC Chairman noted that the number of local observers in these elections exceeded 15 thousand. Eight political parties nominated candidates to municipality membership. In total, there are representatives of 30 political parties among candidates.

Mr.Huseyn Movsumov, Deputy Head of Department for Work with regional management and self-governing bodies of the Administration of President informed on the reforms in the fields of development of democracy, protection of human rights and formation of free society. By mentioning about further improvement of election legislation in the country for 10 years and conduct of 3 Presidential, 2 Parliamentary and 2 Municipal Elections and one referendum in comply with international standards, the official of the Administration of President noted that the election legislation in Azerbaijan did not fall behind the laws adopted in leading countries worldwide in democracy and transparency.

Mr.Huseyn Movsumov informed that all necessary conditions have been formed for the top-level conduct of the elections to 1607 municipalities in Azerbaijan and stated that all material and technical problems concerning the conduct of elections had been removed. Providing Con.ECs with modern conditions facilitates conduct of elections in comply with international standards. Improving professional skills and education of election commission members was focused within the preparation period of the Municipal elections. The activities undertaken in this field ensure highly conduct of the Municipal elections on December 23, 2014. All conditions have been formed for this.

Deputy Head of the Department noted that 2837 venues had been defined for election campaign and 1436 of those venues were closed and others were open.

"Municipalities are developed today, they have obtained experience and started to play an active role in the settlement of social affairs. We should build our activities in such a way that the elections will be conducted in a legislative and transparent manner” – Mr.Huseyn Movsumov said and informed that lively internet monitoring of the process with webcams installed in the polling stations was an important step put forward the conduct of democratic elections.

"Azerbaijan has attained great improvements in the election field”, - Ms.Dragana Filipovic, Head of the Office of the Council of Europe in Baku said and appreciating the success in the conduct of elections, emphasized on the importance of further improving those improvements.

Having mentioned on the election practice of the European countries, Ms.Filipovic also spoke about the irregularities confronted in the election process. "Naturally, there are election disputes in every country but attitudes are different in countries. In all cases, transparency should be ensured in the election process. Surely, the information sessions conducted within joint Activity Plan of the Council of Europe and Azerbaijan for 2014-2016 will contribute to this”, - Ms.Filipovic pointed out.

Later, Mr.Natig Mammadov, CEC Deputy Chairman and Mr.Teymur Malikaslanov, Deputy Head of the Office of the Council of Europe in Baku made presentations on authorities and duties of local executive authorities and Con.ECs in the election process.

It is worth noting that the sessions were joint project of the Administration of President, Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Office of the Council of Europe in Baku and were implemented according to joint Activity Plan of the Council of Europe and Azerbaijan for 2014-2016.
