Central Election Commission conducts a seminar-training on the investigation of election-related appeals by Expert Groups under Constituency Election Commissions

12 november 2014 10:56

The Central Election Commission conducts a seminar-training on the investigation of the appeals about the offence of the election right by the members of Expert Groups under Con.ECs.

The basic goal of conducting the event within the frame of educational program of election actors is a fair and effective investigation of citizens’ appeals filed against actions (inactions) and decisions offending the election right in a manner and time period specified by law, as well as, to ensure transparency in the consideration process of the appeals and complaints.

Within the project the participants will be introduced presentations by CEC members on the relevant topics such as "Receiving, registration and submission of the appeals about the violation of election right to the Expert Group members”, "Inviting and ensuring the participation of the applicant in the investigation process” and "Requirements for the investigation of the appeals (complaints) about the actions (inactions) and decisions offending election right by the members of Expert Groups under Con.ECs”. Discussions of the practice acquired and "studied subjects” in previous elections, as well as, responses of the appearing enquiries are also planned during the event.

The seminar-training is attended by Expert Group members of 118 Con.ECs where elections to be held in the Municipal elections on December 23, 2014.

Media and Public relations department
CEC Secretariat