Commemoration of January 20 Martyrs at the Central Election Commission

17 january 2014 17:10

Commemoration of the 24th Anniversary of Bloody January tragedy was conducted at the Central Election Commission on January 14, 2014.

Our sons and daughters who have become martyrs by showing heroism in January 20 tragedy were commemorated for a minute.

Mr.Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman opened the activity with his introductory speech that 20 January 1990 entered the modern history of Azerbaijan as one of the most tragic days, and at the same time, as a page of the people’s heroism, it turned a symbol of invincibility and battle for national independence and freedom.
That terrible day elevated the country’s brave sons and daughters, who died while defending their freedom, honor and dignity, to martyrdom. CEC Chairman spoke about that sending soviet military troops toward large mass of people who protested against unfair and Armenian-biased policy and support of the USSR leadership to aggressive policy of Armenia arguing for our ancestral lands, led to a gruesome tragedy and he also stated that the then authorities of Azerbaijan failed to find courage for themselves to stand by their people. Chairman reminded on that Azerbaijan’s great son Heydar Aliyev, who then lived in Moscow, came to Azerbaijan’s permanent representative office - a day after the tragedy, Great National Leader strongly condemned those who committed the January massacre, and thereby holding press conference, conveyed this massacre committed against the people to the whole world.

Mr. M.Panahov recalled that national leader Heydar Aliyev`s returning to power in Azerbaijan made it possible in 1994 to give a legal and political assessment to the January 20 tragedy, identify the offenders for the community and announce January 20 as National Mourning Day. He expressed his condolences to the victims of January 20 tragedy and noted that martyrs’ memory would live in our hearts forever.

Later, Natig Mammadov, CEC Deputy Chairman, Shaitdin Aliyev, Almaz Gahramanli, Nizami Nadirov and Bakhsheyish Asgarov, Commission members made speeches by defining events of Januray 20 as Naional Mourning Day and at the same time, as one of honourable pages of our history (Photo was taken by AzerTag).