The Central Election Commission ended the Presidential Elections

17 october 2013 19:42

The Central Election Commission conducted session under the chairmanship of Mr.Mazahir Panahov on October 17, 2013.

The Commission Chairman reported on the issue included in the agenda – the approval and submission of the protocol of the Central Election Commission on the results of the Presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted on October 9, 2013 to the Constitutional Court for the approval and declaration of the election results. He stated that the session of that day was dedicated to ending a historical event of exceptional importance in the country life – Presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan by CEC. Chairman informed that the Central Election Commission had taken all the relevant activities in time concerning the preparation and conduct of the Presidential elections, compiling the voters’ list on the republic since the beginnings of the year, publicized it through internet for specification, material and technical supply of the election commissions had been reinforced, wide educational works had been conducted jointly with competent international organizations for awareness-raising of the members of lower election commissions, as well as, for many other election actors, 10 registered candidates for presidency had been fully facilitated and provided with equal opportunities to deliver their platforms to voters freely after the start of elections and the persons of pre-election campaign used the facilities freely without any obstacle. Pre-election atmosphere was free and met modern requirements.

All the activities necessary for the conduct of the voting in comply with legislation had been undertook and voters demonstrated high turnout. Opportunities of "online” following the elections were provided through the web cameras installed in 20% of the polling stations (in 1000 polling stations) which covered the whole geography of the republic excluding the occupied territories and the elections was conducted under free, fair and transparent conditions with the participation of nearly 52.000 domestic observers, 1295 observers of 50 competent international organizations, as well as, including 35 international mass media represented by 102 journalists and preliminary voting results were determined in time and delivered to the publicity.

The Chairman of the Commission expressed his gratitude to the head of state for having ensured public and political tranquility that was an essential term for the preparation and conduct of the elections and for the facilities provided for the election commissions. He thanked to the Milli Majlis, Cabinet of Ministers, a lot of ministries and committees, mass media for the fulfillment of the duties undertaken by them in the conduct of the elections in comply with legislation.

Reminding on Article 203.1 of the Election Code, Mr.M.Panahov stated that CEC shall end the elections not later than 10 days since the voting day and send the results to the Constitutional Court for approval. Later, he made CEC members familiar with the text of draft decision on the approval of the protocol of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the results of the Presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted on October 9, 2013 and submission of the election results to the Constitutional Court for approval. The Commission Chairman requested the members to express their attitude to the draft. The members of the Central Election Commission voted for the decision and signed the Protocol. The Central Election Commission decided to end the elections by approving the Protocol of the Central Election Commission on the results of the Presidential elections conducted on October 9, 2013. Therewith, a decision was adopted on submitting the election results together with the relevant documents to the Constitutional Court for approval. The Central Election Commission also adopted a decision on the publication of the Protocol.

According to the results determined by the Commission, Mr.Ilham Haydar oghlu Aliyev was re-elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan by gaining 84,54 % of the votes of the voters who had participated in the elections.

Representatives of international organizations and diplomatic corps to our country, representatives of domestic and foreign mass media also took part at the session of the Central Election Commission.