Central Election Commission conducted the following session under the chairmanship of Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 13, 2013

13 september 2013 18:33

Central Election Commission conducted the following session under the chairmanship of Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 13, 2013.

Firstly, the session minute of the Commission dated 11 September 2013 was approved.

Later, the issue on the registration of the candidacy of Ali Nadir oghlu Aliyev nominated by Citizen and Development Party was reviewed. It was stated that signature sheets with voters’ signatures in support of the candidate and the documents to be attached to them had been submitted to CEC by the candidate’s authorized representative. The Commission had conducted investigation in a manner and within the period defined by law and grounds were determined for refusing from registering the candidate. Since at least 40 thousand valid voters’ signatures had to be collected in support of the candidate, the number of valid signatures included in the submitted signature sheets was less than the number required by law.

Central Election Commission adopted decision on the refusal from registering the candidacy of Ali Aliyev.

The issue on the registration of the candidacy of Ilgar Eldar oghlu Mammadov nominated on his own initiative. Law-based grounds were also informed to lack for the regiatrion of his candidacy.the number of valid signatures included in the signature sheets submitted by the authorized representative of the nominee was less than the number implied by law for the registration of the candidate. Central Election Commission made decision on the refusal from registering the candidacy.

Decision was made also on the registration of the candidacy of Serdar Jalal oghlu Mammadov nominated by Azerbaijan Democrat Party at the session.

The Commission verified Niyameddin Ordukhanov as a CEC member having consultative right appointed by United Azerbaijan Popular Front Party.

The issue on the establishment of lottery commission for allocating free airtime, determination of the date of conducting lottery and airtime schedule in the Presidential elections to be held on October 9 was considered. Central Election Commission established lottery commission comprised of 3 commission members and the head of Media and public relations department of Secretariat for the distribution of free airtime allocated by Public TV and Radio Broadcasting Company. Decision was adopted on the conduct of lottery at 12.00 on September 16, 2013. CEC decided to ensure the distribution of the airtime allocated by "Lottery commission” as 6 hours weekly, an hour each time from 21.00 on I, III, V days of the week, 3 hours on radio in a week, an hour on TV from 19.00 on II, IV and VI days of the week, three hours in a week.

Current issues were also considered at the session.

The session of the Commission was also attended by the representatives of international organizations and mass media.