The session of the Central Election Commission (CEC) was conducted by Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman on June 24, 2004

02 july 2004 16:18

The session of the Central Election Commission (CEC) was conducted by Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman on June 24, 2004.

First, the Instruction on the rules for the establishment of voters initiative groups and candidate nomination on citizens` own initiative or the initiative of the voters initiative group was put into discussion. Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary reported on this issue. CEC decided to approve this Instruction.

Later, the Commission considered the approval of Rules for providence of candidates, their authorized representatives, authorized representatives of political parties and blocks of political parties with signature sheets by the Constituency Election Commission (Con.EC) during Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan. CEC also decided to settle this issue positively.

Mrs. Svetlana Gasimova, CEC Deputy Chairman reported on the Agenda of seminar-conference related to the conduct of by-elections to the Milli Majlis in constituencies # 24 Nizami first, # 29 Sabail and # 101 Khanlar Dashkasan on October 19, 2004. CEC commissioners approved the Agenda of the seminar-conference.

In the session, it was decided to make amendments in the composition of Con.ECs # 5 Julfa-Babek, # 65 Sabiarabad-Kurdamir, #110 Zagatala and # 113 Shaki.
At the end of the session, current issues were discussed.

Representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems) and of domestic and foreign mass media participated in the session of the Commission.