Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) together with the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe started trainings for the trainers of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) on 5 October 2010. CEC Secretary Mr. Natig Mammadov who opened the conference with introductory speech stated that education of the members of lower election commissions by the CEC has already become tradition

05 october 2010 15:42
Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) together with the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe started trainings for the trainers of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) on 5 October 2010. CEC Secretary Mr. Natig Mammadov who opened the conference with introductory speech stated that education of the members of lower election commissions by the CEC has already become tradition.
In general, CEC actively cooperates with international organizations while conducting educational activities and co-implementation of these trainings with the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe is satisfying.
CEC Secretary who emphasized on the educational activities previously conducted with the Venice
Commission of the Council of Europe noted that this conference is very important like previous ones and serves to improvement of professional skills of the trainers who are to conduct trainings for the members of
Precinct Election Commissions. "Let’s consider that the trainings to be conducted by you plays very important role in legal functioning of the PEC members on the voting day, forming normal voting atmosphere and realization of citizens’ election right.
 The trainers at the Con.ECs will conduct trainings for more than 30 thousands members of the PECs.
The level of these trainings shall be much higher than the previous ones.
The level of professional skills of the PEC members depends on the professionalism of the trainers who are to conduct trainings in this activity”.
 By wishing success to activity participants, CEC Secretary called the trainers to be attentive during the seminars.
By stating on the long and effective history of cooperation between the CEC of Azerbaijan and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, Veronica Cotek, special representative of General Secretary of the
Council of Europe to Azerbaijan informed that the Council of Europe prepared also activity plan on the forthcoming elections and today’s activity is also component part of this plan.
V.Cotek wished success to trainers and expressed her gratitude of the participation of the experts of the
Venice Commission of the Council of Europe in this conference.
Later, the trainers of CEC training group held workshops on different procedures executed on Election Day.
Let’s remind that in trainings, 2 trainers from each Con.EC took part.
The trainers are going to be hold seminars on the preparation of trainings, presentation skills and organizational methods, roles and duties of Precinct Election Commissions on Election Day, practical exercises on the voting procedures, format and organization of trainings on the constituencies and on other subjects.
Besides the CEC trainers, experts of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe will also take part in the conduct of trainings. Trainings for trainers will last for 5 days.