Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted its following session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on 8 October 2010

08 october 2010 15:35
Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted its following session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on 8 October 2010.
Firstly, the authorized representative of "AXCP-Musavat” bloc of political parties was registered.
Later, decision was adopted on the registration of the agents of Democratic Azerbaijan World Party.
At the session, the appeals submitted to the CEC related with Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan were also considered. CEC made amendments in the compositions of Absheron Con.EC # 45,
Hajigabul-Kurdamir Con.EC # 58, Yardimli-Masalli Con.EC # 72 and Aghdam village Con.EC # 119.
At the session of the Commission, current issues were also considered.
At the session, representatives of Election Observation Mission of OSCE Bureau of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and mass media also took part