"Election Day Guide" prepared jointly by the Central Election Commission (CEC) with International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) for the members of Precinct Election Commissions, was published. In the introduction of the guide book, the address of Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman to the members of Precinct Election Commissions was placed

27 november 2009 17:16
"Election Day Guide” prepared jointly by the Central Election Commission (CEC) with International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) for the members of Precinct Election Commissions, was published.
In the introduction of the guide book, the address of Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman to the members of Precinct Election Commissions was placed.
The address reminds the duties of the members of Precinct Election Commissions.

"Election Day Guide” includes the detailed information on the roles and obligations of the members of Precinct Election Commissions, election activities to be implemented on the voting day.
The guide book was prepared in the conformity with Election Code and normative acts approved by the CEC.