Press Group functioning under the Central Election Commission held a session

22 august 2024 13:45

The Press Group functioning under the Central Election Commission (CEC) held a session on August 22, 2024 regarding the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024.

The session was also attended by the representatives of the international observation mission, members of the CEC and representatives of media outlets who were involved in the Press group.

The functions, powers and duties of the CEC Press Group were recalled once more at the session that the Group shall oversee the compliance with the rules for conducting pre-election campaign in the media. The activity the Group, comprised mostly, of the members who are specialists dealing with journalism shall be regulated by the requirements determined by law regarding pre-election campaign, acts adopted by CEC, as well as other normative documents as a basis. The Press Group also undertakes measures to ensure compliance with the established rules and procedures for conducting pre-election campaigns in the media and also, in necessary cases, basing on those applications, submits proposals for consideration by the CEC.

During the meeting of the Press Group, the role and duties of the media in the elections were discussed and it was emphasized on the importance of the role of media in publicizing the community about the processes. Mass media participates freely and independently in the elections and provides significant contributions to informing the public. The legislation not only grants rights but also defines duties and responsibilities for the media in ensuring the openness and transparency of processes, either during the pre-election campaign stage, or on the voting day. All election stakeholders shall strictly comply with the requirements of the Election Code and relevant legislation.

It was also discussed the progress of preparations for the Elections to the Milli Majlis at the meeting and it was stated that the Central Election Commission (CEC) has implemented large-scale projects aimed at informing voters and awareness-raising of election participants with different statuses. While informing about the rules of pre-election campaigning in the upcoming elections, it was pointed out that all the campaign subjects had been provided broad opportunities and equal conditions for the pre-election campaign, which is one of the important stages of the elections. The campaign started from August 9, is carried out successfully in conditions of high activity of candidates. According to the requirements of the Election Code, registered candidates, their authorized representatives and agents, as well as political parties whose candidates have been registered, their authorized representatives and agents shall have the right to conduct pre-election campaign in the Elections to the Milli Majlis.

The Press Group under the Central Election Commission (CEC) once again emphasized the importance of strict compliance with the requirements of the legislation when conducting pre-election campaign in the media, reminded on the legal responsibility in the case of failure to comply with relevant requirements and expressed confidence that members of the media will properly fulfill their duties.

The Press Group also took into account the possibility of holding its next meetings if necessary or if a request is received in connection with the pre-election.

Following thorough discussions on various issues related to the pre-election campaign and clarifying the questions of the participants, the meeting finalized its work.

Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat