The project dedicated to the election dispute resolution has been launched

22 july 2024 12:20

In accordance with the educational program of the Central Election Commission in connection with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to September 1, 2024, the next nationwide activities - within the framework of a joint project with the Supreme Court and appeals courts, from July 22, 2024, regional seminars dedicated to the judicial resolution of election disputes have been started.

The opening ceremony of the project and the first seminar, which took place on July 22, 2024 at the "JW Marriott Absheron Baku" hotel, started with the opening speeches of Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission and Mr. Inam Karimov, Chairman of the Supreme Court and the Judicial-Legal Council. In their speeches, they drew attention to the significance of strictly following the requirements of the legislation in the implementation of the electoral rights of citizens and provided necessary recommendations in this regard.

After the opening speeches, the presentations of the representatives of the Central Election Commission and the Supreme Court were heard on the topics "Principles and characteristics of the investigation of complaints and appeals related to the violation of the electoral rights of citizens in the election commissions in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan", "Features of the proceedings in cases related to the protection of electoral rights in the court". The participants were given detailed information about the requirements of the Election Code regarding appeals and complaints, as well as the experience of applying the legislation related to the protection of the right to vote by the courts, and the questions interesting to the participants were clarified.

The judges of the Supreme Court, chairpersons and judges of the Baku and Sumgayit Courts of Appeal, members of the Central Election Commission and employees of the relevant structural units of the Secretariat, as well as the chairmen of the election constituencies in the region participated in the first seminar regarding the judicial resolution of election disputes which had been ended after discussions.

The next stage of regional seminars within the project is planned to be held on July 23, 2024 in Ganja, Nakhchivan, Sheki and Shirvan regions, involving relevant judicial bodies and Constituency Election Commissions.

It should be noted that in addition to informing voters about the upcoming early Elections to the Milli Majlis, a large-scale program covering numerous projects in different fields is being implemented in a consistent and systematic manner in order to raise awareness of election participants with different status and further improve the knowledge, skills and professionalism of members of lower election commissions. Implementation of educational projects, which play an important role in the free, fair and transparent conduct of elections, in close cooperation with institutions with duties and powers defined by legislation, thereby making a significant contribution to increasing the effectiveness of the works done, also plays a significant role in ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens more efficiently.

Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat